Jehng Jung Kao
Name Jehng Jung Kao
Job Title Adjunct Professor
Office Tel No. (03)5731869
Research Expertise -Sustainable Environmental Systems and Decision Analyses
Teaching Field -Sustainable Environmental Systems and Decision Analyses
Name Jehng Jung Kao
Job Title Adjunct Professor
Office Tel No. (03)5731869
Research Expertise -Sustainable Environmental Systems and Decision Analyses
Teaching Field -Sustainable Environmental Systems and Decision Analyses
Personal Journal
Paper Title
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
USA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Environmental Systems Analysis Ph.D. 2007.06 ~ 2007.06
USA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Environmental Systems Analysis M.S. 2004.05 ~ 2007.06
National Cheng Kung University Environmental Engineering B.S. 2007.06 ~ 2007.06